Sunday 12 February 2012

Gorgeous Baby Mobile!

I'm currently designing new lines, which gives me plenty of time to try out new crafts and ideas too. I recently saw these gorgeous images, and couldn't help but make it...even though I have no baby!

To make it, you'll need:

15cm polystyrene circular tube
Silver thread or fishing wire
Fleece/Cotton Batting
Plenty of coloured papers


Cut out 40cm of wire or thread, and repeat until you've got plenty of pieces.

Tie four around the polystyrene circle, equal distances apart. These will be used to hang the mobile.

Tie the rest around the circle. It doesn't matter how these are tied around, they are for decorating!

Cut raindrop shapes out from different colours of paper. You'll need two of each colour to make one raindrop. 

Lie out the raindrops as you'd like them to appear on one piece of wire. Apply glue to one side of each raindrop, and lie the wire on top of the glue. Put the second colour raindrop on top, to secure the wire in the middle.

Use different colours and numbers of raindrops on each wire, to give a varied effect.

Braid the four threads which are for hanging the mobile, to make a thicker, stronger hanger.

Pull apart some cotton batting or fleece, and pin random sections around the polystyrene to hide the threads and give a fluffy cloud look. 

Let the glue dry, and suspend the mobile. For safety's sake, hang it well out of reach of children.

It's so beautiful! Pinks and purples give a feminine vibe perfect for bedrooms, or use bright primary colours for something which is bound to catch baby's attention.

I'm not sure where the pattern came from originally, but I've heard that there is something similar on Lait Fraise, so credit to them for the design. It's gorgeous!


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